Meet Doby & Ginger!

Wow. I said we had big news over a MONTH ago and I’m not following up on it until now? Oops.

In any case – meet Doby and Ginger!!

Doby and Ginger came to live with us August 29th. They came out of a hoarding situation and the shelter wanted to adopt them out together. We were told they were both 6 years old, but their paperwork indicates Ginger might be 4 and Doby might be 8. After getting to know them a bit, these ages seem quite accurate.

Ginger is a spunky little torti who has no teeth! How a 4 year old cat ends up with no teeth we’ll never know. Puzzling. She is fully acclimated into the house and loves to pal around with Sylvester. She’s half Sylvester’s size but chases him around and terrorizes him! He acts upset about this, but then they’re back to hanging around together. He has even been known to chase Ginger.

Doby had 7 teeth removed just prior to coming to live with us. Do you have any idea how much fun it is to give medicine to a shy cat who doesn’t know you?!?! As soon as we were done with the antibiotics, it was back to the vet and then 2 weeks of ear drops. If I thought the antibiotics were fun… oh boy, the refrigerated ear drops for a shy cat who doesn’t know you is a million times MORE FUN! Doby walks with a limp, but it doesn’t seem to bother him much at all. The shelter offered to pay for an xray, and we took them up on that offer so we could get a better understanding of what the issue was. I was very surprised to hear there was no sign of a break at any point. It’s simply severe joint degeneration caused by a previous ligament or tendon injury when he was younger. The shelter had been told he’d had this limp since he was a kitten. Doby is the goofiest love bug I have EVER met! Not a care in the world and very curious about everything – as long as he doesn’t get overwhelmed and spooked. We still have a long way to go with him. He’s quite content to continue living on the third floor for now.


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Cats coming from a hoarding situation, while often quite shy, do have some advantages. We were worried about how Sylvester would do with these guys. Doby and Ginger are used to cats so Sylvester hasn’t been much of a bother at all! They don’t react to him, so he doesn’t react back. Everyone is adjusting quite nicely. Sylvester really enjoys hanging out on the third floor with Doby. I know they’re getting into trouble up there when I hear a lot of noise. I just haven’t figured out what they are up to…


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Happy Fall from Doby, Ginger, and Sylvester!!!


Meet Doby & Ginger! — 1 Comment

  1. It’s good to see that Sylvester is getting along with his new friends! He still looks like the king of the castle though! At least in his mind!

    I’ve said it before, but I’m so glad that you were able to provide a good home for him. Emilie still asks about him from time to time. We’re in a new home where we can have animals, and she would still love to have a cat in the house, but unfortunately her allergy has only gotten worse. Such is life, I suppose.

    Thank you, again, for taking such good care of him. He’s missed.

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