New Cat Soon?

So after a lot of thinking, wondering, praying, etc, I think the time is right to get a new black cat. A NEW black cat. Not a cat to replace Millie, but a new black cat with a unique personality.

Millie really opened my eyes to how great cats can be. Sure, most cat lovers tend to gravitate towards one type of cat over another. For example, Lianne LOVES tiger cats. She really loves grey tigers with white paws and bellies, like our Mooz. I am now officially a lover of black cats.

Could be the simplicity of their appearance maybe? They don’t need unique markings to stand out from one another because they are so unique in personality.

Sadly, not many people get a chance to find this out. Some people look past them in shelters because the black cat is considered “boring” in appearance. Even worse, some people frown upon them because of crazy superstitions.

Oddly enough, that’s part of what has drawn me to the black cat. I almost view it as my personal mission to make sure at least one more black cat has a home. I figure, heck, if I’m gonna adopt a cat, might as well make it worth while and give a home to one that might never make it out of the shelter because the odds are stacked against it.

Somebody’s gotta do it, right?

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